Freitag, 21. März 2014

Taking my Nikkor 30-110 to Hanover's zoo

I got my new Nikon Nikkor 30-110 lens for my Nikon 1 J 2 camera and desperately wanted to take some test photos. As I had some spare time I visited the zoo in Hanover.

Unboxing video of my Nikon 1 J2

I arrived hardly two ours before the zoo closed and there was no discount for late visitors. So the price was a bit high for this short visit. Anyway I had quite some fun and animals are always exciting, aren't they?

As I wanted to travel light weight I only took my camera and the telephoto lens with me. It came out that this was quite a common sense choice. There we little to no situations where I had wanted a wider lens.

The Meerkats in the African part of the zoo were pretty active and enjoying the last sun rays of the day. One of them always was on guard duty.

Exposure: 1/5000 | F-Value 5.6 | ISO 1600 | Focal Length : 110.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 297.0 mm)

A Yukon bay area is nicely designed. It has a mall with restaurants and even a whole ship at the polar bears. At the beginning of this section you can see timber wolves that I found pretty impressive.

Exposure: 1/160 | F-Value 5.6 | ISO 400 | Focal Length : 110.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 297.0 mm)

Next to them are the reindeers and they were rather lazy when I was there.

Exposure: 1/400 | F-Value 5.6 | ISO 400 | Focal Length : 110.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 297.0 mm)

The sea lions are at the central place. Their water basin is attached to an underwater observation station where you can watch them swimming eye in eye.

Exposure: 1/125 | F-Value 5.6 | ISO 400 | Focal Length : 110.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 297.0 mm)

It was a very nice visit even if it was short. But the different areas of the zoo are so nice designed that you feel like in a different world. Just about right to get your head clear after a week of hard working.

I guess for the first pictures I took with this telephoto lens they came out quite well. It's just as easy to handle as the standard lens. The the large focal length and the small sensor allowed me to get some nice close-ups and I was even able to get some bokeh into the photos.